The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 81: What, And Leave Show Business?

... I guess... the show must go on, right?

Resigned to his fate, Sam changes into a more appropriate costume.

Right. Let's get this done.

oh, you... it's just... you wanted me to blow you a kiss, well, someone should have said

Darwellsforth is not a conventional romantic lead.


Aw, well, I guess that was kind of rude. Let's get Alexandra to talk about her bunnies instead.

... is this what they call the friend zone?


Aw, we cast Princess Alexandra back into the depths of despair. That seems mean. ... let's torment her!


ha ha look at the crybaby

... what do you mean, she doesn't want to talk to me any more?

Let's try this again! I guess we can compliment her on her... uh... beautiful mustache.

Her tragic mustache, I mean.

It's just professional jealousy of Sam's improv talents.

(At this point Sam literally backs out of the conversation to go chop down a tree, because I need a better camera angle.)

I meant, let's give her a flower instead.

... ugh

okay, petals

Wow. All three of these have the potential to advance our cause. Let's try talking about unicorns--it works on Princess Butter, after all.

Friendzoned again! Let's just... gently re-introduce the topic of love--okay, there, she's swooning. More petals are flung. Maybe blowing a dandelion will be more of the same?

She likes it, but requires more petals to go with her dandelion poofs. Fine, we'll try complimenting her dress.


Sam blows Princess Alexandra a kiss. Awww.

She giggles, blushing.

: Buddy, they didn't have the kiss yet...

: I KNOW! I love suspense!



Next time on MySims Kingdom: Prepare yourself for Act Two!